Bernardin Group Resort & Hotels provides a complete range of services for those wishing a perfect combination – to enjoy business and feel pleasure at the top of the Adriatic Sea. Bernardin Group offers accommodation in 3 categories and apartments, convention center which houses 19 multi-purpose halls, casino and wellness centers. Promoting Istria and the Slovene Riviera under the newly established brand Enjoy Local, the Bernardin Group ensures the supply of services of the highest quality.

    Bernardin Group, hotels & resorts, provides a complete range of tourist services in 3- to 5-star hotels on the short Slovenian coast in the near vicinity of the old Habsburg city of Trieste in Italy and Croatian Istrian peninsula. The flagship of our group is the St. Bernardin Adriatic Resort & Convention Centre which, whit its 1.100 – seats auditorium, is the largest convention hotel in Slovenia. Due to its 19 conference rooms of a different size and superb location, overlooking the Adriatic Sea, it is most suitable for scientific congresses, corporate events and dynamic incentives alike.

    Obala 2

    Contact person:
    Ms. Mojca Gobina
    T: +386 51 350 967

    Contact person:

    Mr. Gregor Gorenc